Friday, April 24, 2020
Middle Childhood free essay sample
Identify your topic choice: Social Skills Provide a 1 paragraph summary of your topic: I want to look deeper into the social aspects of early childhood education. I find it fascinating that early childhood aged children have already developed most of their basic ground social skills, and will build from there on up. What makes your topic appropriate for the age group you have chosen (1-2 sentences): I believe that early childhood is an age that as a teacher, I can be very influential in molding them in the right way socially and helping them set the basis for major social skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. The social skills you learn in early childhood usually stick with you forever. Early childhood is a time for planting the right seeds in them for a future of successful growing.  List your 2 outside resources in APA style: How does your theory help to explain or apply to your topic (2-3 sentences): This theory will help to explain my topic because I am interested in how social skills of early childhood aged children change over time and how social factors affect how they react to certain situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Middle Childhood or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This theory focuses on outside factors contributing if not mainly affecting the cognitive development of a person. Identify who (or where) you plan to observe/interview: I plan to observe/interview a third grade classroom at Worthington Estates Elementary school. I am going to interview the teacher, as well as a few of the students to get the teacher’s outside opinion on certain issues, as well as the student’s personal first hand experiences. I believe this setting is appropriate for my topic and theory because I will be able to gain knowledge on the same issues but from different views. This will give me a great range of feedback on my topic. Although you likely have not completed your observation, I would like to see an example so that I know whether or not you are on the right track. So, in the space below, you may either make up your own example and how it applies to your topic, theory, and age group, or, you may use this sample: o Donny talked back to his mother at the dinner table. His mother told him that this was rude and continued eating. A few minutes later, Donny talked back to his mother again. Can you take this pretend observation and relate it to an appropriate age group, topic, and theory and how it can be explained by these elements? If so, you’re likely on the right track for your own observation examples. Donny may have talked back to his mother the first time because he did not know that it was wrong, or did not realize that it was rude. If Donny is an early childhood aged child, then according to Vygotsky’s theory, he will pick up on what his parents or older peers do and think that is the appropriate way to act. He may have seen his parents in an argument and talking back to one another. If Donny saw this and thought that it was okay, he may perform these acts and not think anything is wrong by doing it. Then, when his mother tells him that it was rude, he may not take it seriously since he has seen her do it when she didn’t know she was watching. Middle childhood free essay sample Tracy, a ten year old is undergoing a vigorous amount of pressure from his parents. The amount of pressure his parents is laying on him has caused him to withdraw from school activities including his friends. There were circumstances that took place in his family’s past that lead into Tracy’s parents contemplating divorce. Tracy is in his middle childhood years. This is the point inn a child’s life where they develop socially and mentally. When children reach this stage they are able to make new friends and gain new skills, which will enable them to become more independent and enhance their individuality. This is the stage where children experience more peer pressure than pressure from parents. Tracy may be undergoing a sense of perfection so he allows his parents to influence his academic activities and because he would want to meet his parents needs the pressure they put on him would have negative effects, therefore causing him to pull away. We will write a custom essay sample on Middle childhood or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only is the pressure from his parents affecting him negatively but the past events that took place resulting in his parents considering divorce can effect Tracy negatively. At this stage in life, when a child’s family goes through major events such as divorce the child may feel like they are they reason to blame. Divorce can weigh heavily on a child and it can be the reason in the decrease in grades. Some children do not know how to handle their parents splitting up and in result they create a shell for themselves. As a mental health counselor the first step in help Tracy through this obstacle in life is finding ways to help him cope with the events taking place at home. Home is where all his troubles seem to begin. Tracy’s parents don’t need to pressure him but need to encourage him to be more involved in school activities and try to maintain friendships. At this stage making friends is very more to the child because it gives them a sense of belongingness. Once Tracy is able to cope with things at home everything else may begin to pick up such as his grades and becoming more involved.
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