Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Warnings in George Orwells Animal Farm Essay
George Orwells Animal Farm George Orwells goal in writing the novel Animal Farm was to portray the events surrounding the Russian revolution that took place in 1917. Orwells tale of Animal Farm is seemingly a story of how a group of farmyard animals plot to overthrow their owner and seize control of the land. The novel seems to be a simple story, however Orwell wrote this book as an allegory, a story that has a clear secondary meaning beneath is literal sense. Everything in Animal Farm is used to represent people and events that took place during the Russian revolution from 1917-1939. Orwell chose to represent Russias three famous leaders during this time with three pigs. Each three are drastically different and have dissimilar†¦show more content†¦Perhaps the way in which Snowball and Trotsky were most alike is their demise. Snowball and Trotsky were exiled from Animal Farm and Russia in a very similar manor. When Snowball gains to much power for Napoleon?s authority, a group of secretly trained dogs run Snowball out of Animal Farm. ?They dashed strait for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws.? (Chapter V pg.67) More drastic is when Trotsky becomes too much of a threat towards Stalin, and is eliminated. The banishment and killing of Snowball and Napoleon tells us that brute force and not good intentions governs. Here we see the warning that we as the people of our governments must push to ensure that know power hungry monster rules over us. Another way, in which Orwell portrays significant figures during the Russian revolution, is through the character Napoleon and Josef Stalin. Napoleon much like Stalin is a power hungry mongrel that has a blatant lust for power. In fact the very first description of Napoleon suggests trouble, ?Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire Boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way.? (Chapter II pg. 35) Napoleons description as being large, fierce looking and being the only Berkshire Boar on the farm tells theShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Widely acknowledged as a powerful allegory, the 1945 novella Animal Farm, conceived from the satirical mind of acclaimed author George Orwell, is a harrowing fable of a fictional dystopia that critiques the socialist philosophy of Stalin in terms of his leadership of the Soviet Union. Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose initial virtuous intentionsRead MoreThe Literary Impact Of George Orwell . 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